Our Number Typer System is not owned by Pay-Math. We are just using a licensed software provided by our employer. In case that you haven't met our requirements, you can earn by referring people to join our program.
Everyone can have a typer system but once your account is banned, just go to contact support to help you immediately for each account's activity security. And I repeat, don't use automated tools just to auto typing things faster. Expect everyone to earn money but you just have to work hard to earn money here. Thanks a lot.
Have a good day!
Mechanics: Each of the correct typing of numbers you see on the screen is equal of 1 coin. You only have 2 minutes to type. After that you will wait for 30 minutes for the system to generate new numbers for your next typer. 1,000 coins you can save here is equivalent to $1 dollar converted into your wallet. No limit, no refresh, no delay, no interrupt internet. Enjoy! Happy Earnings!
Number Typer

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